SCROLL: The month that was

Thursday 2 June 2016

As you probably well know, Instagram is like a garden of earthly delights for anyone who loves creative expression. Whether you are a maker, or like to see and use the products crafted by talented ceramicists, jewellers, furniture specialists, crafters and, of course, textile artists, we all have the capacity to curate an feed that inspires and informs us.

Which is why this post has been put together. Some days the scroll on Instagram reveals gem after gem; others can be a little more quiet. Here's six of the top shots liked by Threadbound during the past month, along with a little about the work flowing from these fantastic accounts. So grab a quiet moment, check them out and enjoy your scroll!

Threadbound Blog Scroll The Vallentine Project
The Vallentine Project
Bianca Vallentine creates “soft beautiful things” – bed linen, homewares and clothing – with each one of a kind item painted and stitched by her own hand in her leafy space at the Pop and Scott Workshop in Melbourne’s Northcote. 

Based in Portland, Oregon, Anna describes herself as “an artist, designer, author, and mother of two”. Her feed features fashion and homewares products with a distinctly modern shape, all crafted using textiles she dyes by hand and a sewing machine that was given to her as a wedding gift.

Originally from South Africa, Natalie is now happily ensconced in Canada, where she works across art disciplines and cultures to create homewares and handbags adorned with her own designs. She screen prints natural cloth by hand; the Lotsa collection in this shot is inspired by “playing with a variety of more organic shapes and marks to develop repeats intended to work together as a series.”
This clever lady is trying her hand at many things associated with threads. From jewellery to clothing to bed linen, Shuh’s work is adorned with her unmistakable appreciation of colour and shapes, all curated in lively and uplifting arrangements that can’t help but make you feel joy.

Philippa Taylor is an artist, porcelain smith and weaver who is currently bringing her skills together in the form of beautiful mixed media jewellery. These neck pieces are a true labour of love – it takes up to 15 hours to weave together delicate stitches and strands of silk, cotton or paper – with each item emanating the time and care she devotes to her craft. 

Tiff Manuell handcrafts handbags and accessories from canvas she has emblazoned with lightning bolts of colour. When her paint is dry, she cuts, glues and sews an eclectic mix of shapes, with no two pieces ever the same. Joined by her tribe of helpers, Tiff’s world is a non-stop riot of colour, resulting in statement pieces that ooze summer fun.

All of these images have been provided with permission from the artists, please refer to their sites for more details.


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